sun2wheel | Single-family house Garage Rovio

Single-family house Garage Rovio

8. April 2021

In 2016, we built a garage for our electric cars in Rovio-TI: of course with an integrated PV roof. We also installed a sun2wheel “second-use” 24kWh electric car battery, because we wanted to be able to charge at night with our own solar energy. However, we wanted a battery solution that is proven, robust and durable: that’s why we chose a “second-use” battery that had originally served in a Nissan Leaf. We were not only ecologically but also economically well on our way, because in the first 4 years of operation we saved over 14,000 CHF. In 2020, the battery was doubled in size and a two-way charging station was purchased, which perfectly matched our new Honda-e. Since then, our PV energy can not only be stored from midday for the evening, but it can even bridge several bad weather days!

- Giancarla, Davide, Giacomo and Marco Piffaretti

The sun2wheel garage balance after 4 years:

October 2016 – September 2020:

  • Produced energy: 32’500 kWh
  • of which 21’030 kWh could be used for the electric cars
  • which corresponded to an electric car distance of 120’150 km, and prevented
  • prevented 19’400 kg of CO2 emissions and
  • CHF 14,300 in savings compared to fuel consumption
sun2wheel | Bild: Single-family house Garage Rovio

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