We answer your questions.

The FAQ's and explanations of terms are not exhaustive and will be added to on an ongoing basis.

What is bidirectional charging?

In bidirectional charging, the vehicle battery is used as an intermediate storage of electrical energy (e.g. to store surplus solar power). In contrast to monodirectional charging, which is still common today, a bidirectional charging station can be used to feed electrical power and energy back into the building (V2H/V2B) or the electrical supply network (V2G) as required.

Explanation: V2H (Vehicle-to-home)

Bidirectionally chargeable e-cars can not only store electrical energy for driving purposes, but also feed it back into the home. Vehicle-to-home thus makes it possible to supply one’s own household with the stored electrical energy from the e-car. The entire charging and feeding back processes take place behind the house meter and is often used to increase the self-sufficiency rate by means of solar power systems.

Explanation: V2B (Vehicle-to-building)

As with vehicle-to-home, bidirectionally chargeable e-cars can not only store electrical energy for driving purposes, but also feed it back into the multi-occupant building. Vehicle-to-building thus enables the building to supply its own multi-family dwelling or commercial/industrial facility with the stored electrical energy from the e-car, often as part of an e-car fleet. In addition, peak shaving can be used to cap in-building load peaks. The entire charging and regenerative processes take place behind the electrical building connection.

Explanation: V2G (vehicle-to-grid)

Bidirectionally chargeable e-cars can not only draw electrical energy from the grid, but also feed it back into the grid as part of a smart energy system. This process is controlled by signals from the distribution or transmission system operator and can take place both at public charging stations and inside buildings via the grid connection. The V2G charging and discharging operations of a larger number of e-cars (pooling) serve as services in both the distribution and transmission grids for energy trading and stabilization purposes. Vehicle-to-grid thus enables smart sector coupling.

Explanation: V2X (Vehicle-to-everything)

V2X is considered a collective term for all of the above applications and also expresses the combined use of multiple modes of operation. For example, bidirectionally chargeable e-cars in a parking garage of a larger property can be used both for self-consumption optimization and peak-shaving purposes (V2B) and for providing grid services (V2G).

The autonomous supply of individual consumers and island grids as well as the charging of other e-cars complete the picture.

When will bidirectional charging arrive? How far along is bidirectional charging technology?

There are first manufacturers, including the sun2wheel partner EVTEC, which have brought technically mature bidirectional charging stations with CHAdeMO connectors to the market. These have been extensively tested in advance in trials lasting several years.

Bidirectional charging via the CCS plug, which is the standard in Europe, is currently only possible with sun2wheel two-way digital and -10 charging stations. > see products

In Japan, on the other hand, bidirectional charging technology has been mandatory for every electric vehicle for years!

When is bidirectional charging permitted in Switzerland?

In principle, bidirectional charging is equivalent to the operation of stationary batteries. If the charging infrastructure complies with the VSE recommendation on grid connections for energy generation systems (NA-EEA) and the technical standards for electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility, it can be authorised when registering with the distribution grid operator.

From 1 January 2022, bidirectional charging stations can be registered regularly with an updated technical connection application (TAG).

Which cars can charge bidirectionally?

The following vehicles are enabled for bidirectional charging as of February 2024:

  • Honda: Honda e > read more
  • Nissan: Leaf (from 2014), Evalia and e-NV 200
  • Mitsubishi: i-MiEV, Outlander and Eclipse Cross > read more
  • Peugeot iOn and Citroën C-Zero
  • VW: ID.3, ID.4, ID. Buzz and ID.7


Listed are all vehicles that allow vehicle-to-home via a suitable charging station. Vehicle-to-load, such as the Hyundai Ioniq 5, must be considered separately. Here, you can only draw a limited amount of power via an onboard plug (single-phase, up to 3.6 kW), but you cannot supply a house with electricity.

Further information: In principle, all Japanese electric vehicles can charge bidirectionally because this is mandated by the Japanese government. So far, bidirectional charging is primarily possible for vehicles with CHAdeMO plugs. The Honda e is an exception, it can do bidirectional charging via the CCS plug. Bi-directional charging requires approval from the vehicle manufacturer and certification of the charging station for the specific vehicle type.

Several vehicle manufacturers have announced that their vehicles will be enabled for bidirectional charging in the near future. In general, the introduction of an international standard ISO 15118-2020 is expected by 2025, which will also regulate bidirectional charging with CCS charging plugs in a binding manner.

Does bidirectional charging damage my vehicle battery?

Years of practice and scientific research have shown that lithium batteries are very robust. In addition, the latest technical developments have resulted in an even longer battery life. Since the discharge power during bidirectional charging is much lower compared to driving (factor 10 and more), the additional aging of the battery is extremely low. The approval of vehicle models for bidirectional charging operation by their manufacturers also includes the retention of full warranty services.

What do bidirectional charging stations mean for the existing power grid infrastructure of the building in question?

The intermediate storage and targeted feeding back of self-produced solar power increases the self-consumption rate of a property or an area with a photovoltaic system and thus reduces the purchase costs of electrical energy.
The bidirectional connection of vehicles also makes it possible to reduce power peaks by discharging the batteries in a load-controlled manner. This regenerative power supply results in a reduction of grid costs for the user through savings in the power tariff.
With a larger number of vehicles feeding back, the charging capacity of the charging infrastructure can even be raised above the capacity of the installed connected load.

What can V2X contribute to the stability of the power supply?

By bundled charging and discharging of vehicles, overloads of the grid can be reduced, e.g. by irregularly feeding solar power or wind power plants. For example, 100,000 electric vehicles connected to the grid with ±10 kW each represent a decentralized control power of ±1 GW. This corresponds to the output of the largest Swiss pumped storage plant, Limmern. Half of the energy that can be stored in the 100,000 batteries is sufficient to supply 200,000 average single-family homes with electricity for one day.
Note: there are about 4.6 million cars in Switzerland; the highest total power occurring in the Swiss electricity grid occurs in winter and is about 9.5 GW.

Explanation: ZEV (association for self-consumption)

ZEV is a german acronym for “Zusammenschluss zum Eigenverbrauch”. Meaning: Owners of apartment buildings, office buildings and commercial buildings can make the self-produced solar power available to tenants for self-consumption. The solution of sun2wheel enables the correct billing in case of aggregation for self-consumption.

Does a bidirectional charging station have to be registered?

Yes, a bidirectional charging station must be registered with the local network operator just like a simple charging station. The technical connection application, which may be completed and submitted by an electrician, for example, is used for this purpose.
How do I notify the grid operator of a bidirectional charging station?

The “technical connection request” form is used for this purpose. This may only be filled out by a certified person such as an electrician. Only the section “Charging facilities for electric vehicles” is filled in. The following data must be entered:
Type of device: “bidirectional charging station”.
Manufacturer of the device: “sun2wheel AG”.
Device type: “two-way-digital” or “two-way-10
Connection: 3x400V
Rated current device: 16 A
Rated power device: 10 kVA
Cos Phi: 1
DC charging of the vehicle
Max. Mains draw power: 10 kVA
Max. Mains withdrawal power: 0
Adjustable power by TSO: 0 kVA to 0 kVA
Controllable power by operator: 0 kVA to 10 kVA
Active power controllable: No
Interface between charging pole and distribution grid operator available: No
Comment of the submitting company: “For the regulation of charging as well as discharging, the balance energy is measured. This guarantees that no energy is fed back into the grid.”

How do you report a bidirectional charging station to the grid operator?

The “technical connection request” form, or TAG for short in German, is used for this. This may only be completed by a certified person such as an electrician. Only the section “Charging facilities for electric vehicles” must be completed. The following data must be entered:

Type of device: “bidirectional charging station”
Device manufacturer: “sun2wheel AG”
Device type: “two-way digital” or “two-way 10”
Connection: 3x400V
Rated current device: 16 A
Rated power appliance: 10 kVA
Cos Phi: 1
DC charging of the vehicle
Max. Mains power consumption: 10 kVA
Max. Mains power consumption: 0
Controllable power by VNB: 0 kVA to 0 kVA
Adjustable power by operator: 0 kVA to 10 kVA
Active power controllable: No
Interface charging station to VNB available: No

Comment from the submitting company: “The balance energy is measured to regulate charging and discharging. This guarantees that no energy is fed back into the grid.”

Does the bidirectional charging station also run if the power grid fails?

No, the bidirectional charging station is not yet island-capable and cannot operate in the event of a power failure. Likewise, our charging station is not yet compatible with a self-sufficient building. We are working to ensure that our systems can be used in an island system in the near future.

Bidirectional charging: Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Optimisation of energy use and support for the energy transition. The self-consumption of the PV system can be significantly increased, thereby reducing electricity costs. Renewable energy is stored and therefore utilised optimally and efficiently. The idle times (usually an average of 23 hours/day) of the e-vehicles can be utilised. The car has multiple uses and is not just a means of transport. The power grid is relieved. Possible price fluctuations in electricity costs can be balanced out.

Disadvantages: The regulatory requirements are not yet fully in place. At present, the electricity from the car battery can only be used for personal consumption. The price of the bidirectional charging station is higher compared to a monodirectional wallbox. However, the cost of a stationary battery should be taken into account when making a comparison. Only a few vehicles are currently approved by the vehicle manufacturers for bidirectional charging

Which wallbox supports bidirectional charging?

Bidirectional charging is generally permitted in Switzerland. Two models of bidirectional DC charging stations are currently available for purchase. The two-way digital and two-way10 models from sun2wheel are the only certified wallboxes for Switzerland. Sun2wheel has been selling these wallboxes since 2021 and can draw on corresponding experience. > go to products

Explanation: Peak shaving

Peak shaving, also known as peak load capping, aims to reduce electricity consumption during periods of high demand. This reduces the load on the electricity grid and saves costs. Prices are set on the basis of the maximum peak loads. Peak shaving is particularly relevant for companies with high energy consumption, as it can lead to considerable savings in grid utilisation fees.

Explanation: Load shifting

While peak shaving refers to the reduction of consumption at peak times, load shifting shifts consumption from times of high demand to times of lower demand in order to benefit from lower electricity tariffs and reduce the load on the grid.