sun2wheel | Titelbild Über Uns

The sun2wheel team

The start-up sun2wheel combines the team's many years of know-how and innovative spirit. We see ourselves as a partner to our customers and enable future-proof charging and storage solutions.

sun2wheel | Marco Piffaretti

Marco Piffaretti


"I initiated sun2wheel and am responsible for partners & cooperations."

sun2wheel | Karin Schäfer

Karin Schäfer


"I get to lead sales and continue to grow it with the team."

sun2wheel | Andrin Schäfer

Andrin Schäfer


Service & After-Sales Engineer

sun2wheel | Nikola Gudelj

Nikola Gudelj


"I accompany sun2wheel customers into their electric mobility future."

sun2wheel | Sandro Schopfer

Sandro Schopfer


"I continue to develop the sun2wheel app and manage the V2X Suisse project."

sun2wheel | Mauro Balbi

Mauro Balbi


"I am working on the development of load management and the neighbouring interfaces"

sun2wheel | Karolina Kantorska

Karolina Kantorska


"I make sure the front end is beautiful and easy to use."

sun2wheel | Victor Adalid

Victor Adalid


"I program the intelligence of the app and the higher-level system."

sun2wheel | Über Uns Info

About sun2wheel

The startup sun2wheel AG with headquarters in Obernau (LU) and sales office in Liestal (BL) was founded in December 2020. The company’s goal is to establish bidirectional charging (V2H/V2G) as a standard and to offer smart charging and storage solutions. Electromobility pioneer Marco Piffaretti, IT specialist Sandro Schopfer, and solar experts Dominik Müller and Pascal Städeli have designed an intelligent charging and storage system (V2X) that can be used to optimize the entire energy consumption of private households, apartment buildings, or SMEs by integrating electromobility. In a next step, services for stabilizing the power grid will also be enabled.

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